
Zero Calorie Drinks

A party without alcohol is like a cake without icing. Plus, following a diet devoid of the inclusion of healthy sports drink is not at all worthy. But when you are on a strict diet or are restricted to even hold a glass of wine, controlling that temptation becomes a challenging task. Especially if your doctor has advised you to switch to zero calorie drinks and your wife doesn’t leave you alone for a second, lest you’ll steal a sip or two of a high calorie beverage.

With a number of zero calorie alcoholic and energy drinks launched in the market, you can proudly enjoy a tall glass of wine, without worrying about the number of calories traveling into your stomach. Find out what beverages you can consume that contain just a dash of calories, allowing you to follow your diet and maintain your figure.

Low Calorie Drinks:

Alcoholic Drinks:

For those who cannot curb their thirst to drinking a glass of alcohol at a high-end party or any private function, zero calorie alcoholic drinks are your best bet. And due to increasing weight consciousness, most people prefer these drinks over the otherwise original high-caloried alcohols. The percentage of alcohol in a drink determines the calorie content. 

As a general rule, 1 gram of alcohol contains 7 calories while 1 gram of carbohydrate or protein contains 4 calories. The fact is that no alcoholic drink is free of calories, all thanks to the minute amount of alcohol content in it. As such, a drink containing 60-70 calories is deemed to be the lowest calorie alcoholic drink. 

Let’s check out the number of calories that different alcohols contain:

Energy Drinks:

Shift to no calorie energy drinks to give yourself relief from a few pounds and see the results in a few days’ time! If you’d expected only ab machines and butt busters to help you get rid of kilos clinging to your tummy, think out-of-the-box and get a new life. Yes, the zero calorie drinks are the new technique for staying fit and fine. 

And to achieve best results, sportsmen and athletes can opt for homemade energy drinks instead of purchasing them from the market. Dilute ginger ale, coconut water, lemon juice, or tomato puree in your favorite mocktail or fruit juice drink and voila! You have a very low calorie, in fact a zero calorie, drink in hand supplying you with loads of energy and strength.

And if you are still not satisfied, then 1% skim milk is the best option to resort to. Throw in low calorie fruits to make your favorite milkshake. But what better than water be a zero-calorie drink? Keep yourself hydrated and force your body to burn down more weight. Carbonated drinks not only contain huge amounts of calories, they increase the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. 

Though low calorie soft drinks are available, isn’t it better to prepare a lemonade at home rather than taking the risk of gulping down a can of diet cola? Pick up low calorie vegetables and fat-free chicken/beef to make clear and light soups one of the best zero calorie drink ever invented by a man, indeed!

Check the labels of the drinks you pick to ensure the authenticity of the calories included in them. Rely on these zero calorie beverages and keep your weight under control. Wish you a happy and healthy life.


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