
This Fitness Tracking Mirror is the Sorority Sister from Hell

The system also offers time-lapse results, so you can track changes over time, or even daily (because you should definitely compare your 7 a.m. bod to your 10 p.m. bod not).

Here's how it works: You stand naked on the scale in front of the mirror, and a circle icon lights up and reads your body composition. Then, the results show up in the Naked Fit app.

In a  tracker, a woman's voice says, “Naked shows me my truth. My truth is sweat, early mornings, one more rep, one more mile, one more second…my body is a reflection of my journey, my choices.”

So…let’s talk about this. On the one hand, it’s pretty cool and science-y. On the other, we can see this leading people down the path to body obsession. On top of that, making your get-fit goals all about your shape in the mirror is just setting yourself up for disappointment, since your body's "happy weight" and your goal weight are probably not the same.

Also, we hate to take down the ad's pep talk, but isn't waking up for an early workout, doing one more rep, and running one more mile a reward in itself? When she says that the way she looks is a reflection of her fitness feats, it equates exercise with something you should be doing to get ripped, not because you happen to like cycling class.

And since it’s normal for your weight to fluctuate daily, it can be really discouraging to hop on the scale all the time. 

Though the tracker isn’t on the market yet, it's currently available for pre-sale for a cool $499, with systems expected to ship in March 2017. Or you could just save your money and try these non-crazy-making strategies to track your progress.


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