
The Most Inadvisable Things Celebrities have Done to Lose Weight

A-listers have unbeatable access to top notch nutritionists, doctors, trainers, and chefs, which is why we’re all ears when they spill the beans on shedding pounds. But let’s be honest here sometimes their tips and tricks are just plain dumb. (Or, um, dangerous.)  From surviving without solids to eating dried oatmeal, here are the more batshit ways stars have tried to stay trim.

Adriana Lima’s Victoria’s Secret Diet:

The supermodel told the Telegraph that nine days before the big Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, she skips solids and exists on protein shakes made with powdered egg, vitamins, and supplements all while exercising twice a day. Then, 12 hours before the show, she doesn’t drink anything. We hope this is too terrible to be true. 

Beyonce’s Master Cleanse:

To prep for her role as Deena in Dreamgirls, Bey said on the Oprah Winfrey Show that she embarked on a master cleanse (which involves pounding a mixture of lemons, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup) in order to drop 20 pounds in 14 days. At least she admitted it made her grouchy and eventually turned to a healthier option to lose weight. 

Anne Hathaway’s Oatmeal Squares:

Two squares of dried oatmeal paste a day. That’s all Anne Hathaway ate for two weeks while filming Les Miserables so that her character Fantine looked "near death." We’d say she succeeded, though not sure near-starvation is worth an Oscar? Hathaway told Vogue, "Looking back on the whole experience and I don't judge it in any way it was definitely a little nuts.” 

Snooki’s Cookie Diet:

Fresh off the Jersey Shore in 2010, Polizzi told Us Weekly that she wanted to drop some of the party weight, and turned to Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet, which consists of eating six appetite-suppressing cookies made of beef and milk protein, per day, plus one normal dinner. Beef. Cookies. Yum?

Lady Gaga’s Whisky Diet: 

Back in 2011, the New York Daily News reported that Gaga said, “I'm on the drunk diet, I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I'm working. But the deal is, I've got to work out every day, and I work out hung over, if I'm hung over.” Hopefully by "and stuff" she meant eat healthy meals and snacks, but who knows. 

Megan Fox’s Vinegar Trick: 

We know apple cider vinegar is good for your hair (and taking the itch out of poison oak) but, according to E! News, Megan Fox reportedly throws the stuff down the hatch as a cleanse. Gah! As you might have guessed, experts say that drinking apple cider vinegar won't actually help you drop weight but it does make a great salad dressing.


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