“Borborygmus” is the medical term used to describe growling or rumbling sounds caused by contraction of stomach and intestine muscles. This happens inside our body whenever we digest food but the sounds are clearly audible on an empty stomach because food would usually dampen this sound. Many people face this embarrassing problem especially when they are in silent places such as meeting rooms, examination halls, etc.
Some people also experience abdominal bloating, belching and flatulence along with borborygmi but the latter two aren’t a cause for concern unless they occur very frequently or if it causes physical discomfort. Although hunger and indigestion are common causes for stomach rumbling, there can be many more causes that people aren’t aware of.
It is always important to know at least the basic ingredients in your food so that you can identify any substances that you’re allergic to. Rumbling stomach can also be caused by dangerous digestive diseases so it’s best to consult a doctor if your problem persists.
It is always important to know at least the basic ingredients in your food so that you can identify any substances that you’re allergic to. Rumbling stomach can also be caused by dangerous digestive diseases so it’s best to consult a doctor if your problem persists.
Causes and Cures for Rumbling Stomach:
Hunger is the most common cause for rumbling or growling stomach. When you’re very hungry or when your body needs food, your brain causes your stomach muscles to cringe to let you know that you are hungry.
Swallowing air (aerophagia) also causes borborygmi. This is why people are advised not to eat too fast or speak while eating because they will swallow a lot of air along with their food. When the food is digested, this air will settle above the food and will force the upper valve of the stomach open when the pressure increases beyond a limit. This is the process of belching.
The action of bacteria on food also releases air while the process of digestion continues as the food moves from the stomach to the intestines. This is another cause for borborygmi and results in flatulence.
Some people are intolerant to particular types of food, especially milk products. Consuming food that they are allergic to also makes their stomach rumble because their body will try to expel such food as soon as possible by cringing the stomach walls and forcing the food back out of their esophagus.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common bowel disorder that causes frequent and sometimes uncontrollable urge to excrete. This is accompanied by disorderly contractions of the intestines, diarrhea alternating with constipation, abdominal bloating, rumbling stomach, etc.
Functional dyspepsia which is commonly known as indigestion is another cause for borborygmi.
Symptoms of borborygmi or rumbling stomach disorder include abdominal bloating, flatulence, belching, diarrhea, constipation and rumbling sounds from the stomach which may be accompanied by severe pain.
- Always drink plenty of water or hydrating liquids to stabilize the ph level in your stomach and prevent dehydration.
- If stomach rumbling is caused by acidity, use an antacid.
- Check for any trigger causes, such as lactose products, which could cause adverse reactions for those who are allergic.
- Avoid skipping meals or staying hungry for long hours.
- Avoid over-eating even at times when you know that you may have to skip your next meal. It is better to eat shorter meals more frequently than few large meals.
- If you are already suffering from borborygmi, avoid foods like sugar, coffee, onions, carbonated beverages, etc. as these are known to aggravate the problem.
- Ginger ale is known to reduce rumbling stomach problem and it also helps expel excess gas from the body.
- Eat your food slowly and chew it well. Avoid talking or drinking lots of water while eating.
- Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking if your stomach is already rumbling because it increases acidity and can cause stomach ulcers which are very painful.
- Although rumbling stomach is a common problem, it is not one to be neglected. Sometimes it could be a symptom of an underlying disorder which could be dangerous or fatal if not cured at the earliest. Please consult a doctor if your symptoms persist longer than 24 hours.
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