
Nasal Polyps Treatment

The condition of having inflammation or polyps in the nasal cavity is known as nasal polyps. In common words, it is a condition when tiny flesh-like bubbles get formed inside the nose. Normally they are of the size of small water droplets, however in rare cases they can also grow to size of that of smaller grapes. They are non-cancerous growths of the mucus membrane and are not to be confused with tumors. 

Children with cystic fibrosis and people who are sensitive to the usage of aspirin are more prone to having nasal polyps. Nasal polyps can disrupt a patient’s quality of life with a reduced or complete loss of smell and a blocked nose leading to breathing through mouth rather than nose. Here’s a little overview of the causes and symptoms of nasal polyps before we move on to discuss about its treatment.

Nose Polyps Treatment:

Causes of Nasal Polyps:

Although the exact cause for nasal polyps remains unknown, it has been widely researched that allergic reactions are the main reason behind it. However, in US, 5% of non-allergic people have also been found with nasal polyps. Aspirin sensitivity, asthmatic illness, chronic sinus infections, cystic fibrosis, and hay fever have been observed to increase the severity of having nasal polyps. 

There are several other respiratory diseases like chronic rhino sinusitis, young’s syndrome, kartagener’s syndrome and nasal mastocytosis that are also believed to result in the formation of polyps.

Symptoms of Nasal Polyps:
  • Blocked nose
  • Anosmia
  • Loss of taste
  • Sinus infections
  • Postnasal drip
  • Headaches
  • Snoring
  • Changed voice
Natural  Treatments:

  • Consuming black tea mixed with fine ginger powder is known to provide relief from nasal congestion and polyps. Hot milk mixed with turmeric powder also works wonders for the nasal polyps.
  • Inhaling steam 2-3 times in a day for a few days also helps in reducing the extent of the polyps.
  • Taking finely chopped ginger with one teaspoon of honey twice a day is also known to help the cause.
  • Make a saltwater solution. Pour it on a spray bottle and spray the solution inside the nostrils. This would help get rid of the irritants that cause polyps.
  • Herbal juices made out of dandelion leaves and watercress herb provide relief from nasal polyps. (3 tbsp 3 times a day for a few days)
  • Including food items rich in vitamin A and vitamin C in regular diet, helps in reducing the severity of the problem.
Medical Treatment:

Non-surgical treatments for reduction of polyps include nasal spray, nasal drops, and nasal tablets. These help reduce the severity of the polyps, however the symptoms usually return if the treatment is stopped. Antibiotics for other respiratory diseases should also be taken but only if prescribed by the medical practitioner.

Removing the polyps through surgery is also an option but is not generally advised by the doctors but is kept as the last resort. Sadly, it is found that polyps often return over time and there’s no real way to prevent them forming again.

Now that you’ve read about the treatment, treat yourself fast lest the problem worsens and becomes large.


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