
Head Cold Home Remedies

Head cold, often referred to as common cold, is a very frequently occurring illness that affects the young and old alike. Head cold is a viral infection that chiefly affects the mucous membrane of the nose. The most common symptoms of a head cold are headache, sneezing and coughing, runny nose, sometimes accompanied with congestion in the respiratory tract. 

The viral infection normally lasts for more than a week, after which it gradually fades away even without medication. However, the initial period of 10 days can be quite troublesome for the person who has contracted a head cold. Sometimes extreme conditions may lead to a high fever and also flu in certain people.

The best medicine for head cold is warmth; the patient must be kept in warm temperatures and should be given warm liquids to drink. If conditions refuse to improve, the patient may also consult a general physician. Here are our suggestions to get rid of head cold at home.

How to Treat a Head Cold:

Steam Treatment:

Inhaling steam can help you get rid of a running nose and a congested respiratory tract. Take boiling water in a vessel and then place your face above the vessel to take in the hot vapor. Make sure that the steam is not very hot, for it might burn the mucous membrane of the nose. 

Repeat the process several times throughout the day to completely cure the blocked nose. A nasal spray or humidifier may also be used for the same purpose.

Keep Nose Clean:

Inhaling steam may cause mucous to accumulate in the nose. Blow your nose and clear your nose off the mucous instead of sniffing it back. Keep your nose clear at all times of the day if you are to get rid of congestion in your respiratory tract.

Stay Warm:

Take rest and keep yourself warm when contracted with a head cold. Sometimes, a head cold may be accompanied by fever. As such, it is advisable to stay wrapped in warm clothes at this point of time even if you feel hot doing so. Also, make it a point to remain stress-free and take rest as far as possible.

Drink Warm Fluids:

Warm liquids are very necessary during a head cold as they not only give you comfort, but also keep your system hydrated. Drink more than eight glasses of liquids each day, but avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee as they cause dehydration. Ginger and herbal tea, soup or normal warm water is suggested.

Hot Packs:

A head cold often leads to a sinus problem. The best home remedy for sinus pain relief is to use hot packs. Nowadays, a reusable hot pack is available in the market, but you can very well use one available at home. Try a hot water bag or use a warm damp towel to press against the sinus area for relief.

Hot Shower:

Though a head cold can make you lazy and you may sometimes be afraid of water, do not avoid a how water bath. You can choose between a warm sponge bath or a steam shower. Hot water brings you instant relief. It helps to ease the pain in muscles which are a frequent occurrence during a head cold and also clears the nose.

Vitamin C Treatment:

Drink two glasses of warm lime juice mixed with honey twice every day. This will help increase your resistance power and decrease the duration of the viral attack. You may also try vitamin C enriched tablets prescribed by doctors.

Consumption of Certain Spices:

Ginger and turmeric are common spices which cure head cold. Extract the juice of ginger by boiling it in water. Then, add tea leaves to it to make ginger tea. Turmeric, on the other hand, can be helpful by adding it to a cup of warm milk. Both remedies cure throat irritation. Patients with head cold should have both ginger and turmeric at home all the time.  

Follow the above listed home treatments and keep head cold at bay!


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