The only difference between real teeth and dentures is that dentures don’t go to the bed with you. Apart from this, they need every little bit of care (probably more) that you might have failed to provide to your real teeth or lost then because of the dawning old age. Life seldom gives you a second chance to make things right, and now that you’ve got one, take good care of your false teeth as if they were your real teeth.
Whether you’ve already got them, or are planning to get them based on what complications are there in denture cleaning; know this that it’ll be a life-changing experience of having to take out your teeth for cleaning, but it’ll be better than having no teeth at all. You’ll have to get into a routine of cleaning your dentures and mouth individually.
But handling your false teeth demands a little more of gentleness as they don’t contain natural enamel like in your real teeth. You’ll have to go for commercially available denture cleaning products (toothbrushes, toothpastes, and cleansers) as the regular ones won’t do and might end up ruining the dentures. Continue reading to know about how to clean your dentures without ruining them.
How to Clean Dentures:
Brush & Soak:
The most basic and the best way to clean your dentures is through brushing. However, don’t go off brushing your dentures with generally available toothbrushes and toothpastes for they are meant for real teeth and real teeth contain enamel in the natural form that gives them strength. You’ll have to buy toothbrushes and toothpastes specifically made for dentures. They are easily available from local drug stores or chemists so no need to worry on that.
Next step is to rinse it under lukewarm running water to get rid of any loose food particles that may be stuck on it. Now apply just a little amount of toothpaste to the toothbrush designed for dentures and lightly scrub on all sides of the dentures. Again, rinse under lukewarm water to get rid of the paste. After brushing is done and dealt with, the dentures should be soaked overnight in a glass filled with liquid denture cleanser (available in local drug stores).
Baking Soda:
Nope! We won’t make you bake your own teeth. The use of baking soda in dental care has been long known and put to use as an important ingredient to form toothpastes. It is a natural way to clean your dentures and disinfect them too. Sprinkle some water on to the denture, backed by sprinkling of baking soda on top of it. Now, using a light bristled toothbrush or a toothbrush designed for cleaning dentures, scrub it gently for few minutes on every corner and rinse thoroughly.
Vinegar Solution:
Cleaning your dentures with vinegar will help you extend the life of your false teeth, giving you many pleasurable munching times. Vinegar is considered an anti-fungal solution and will act as a natural denture cleanser with disinfectant benefits. Like natural teeth, dentures are also prone to tartar.
The acidic nature of vinegar will help soften the tartaric crusty formation on the dentures so that it can be removed rather easily, without ruining the denture. Mixing a solution of equal parts of vinegar and warm water and soaking the dentures in it for 30 minutes will do the trick.
The acidic nature of vinegar will help soften the tartaric crusty formation on the dentures so that it can be removed rather easily, without ruining the denture. Mixing a solution of equal parts of vinegar and warm water and soaking the dentures in it for 30 minutes will do the trick.
Hydrogen Peroxide:
Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer and is commonly used as bleach. Like vinegar, it is known for its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Put the dentures in a dish and pour hydrogen peroxide into the dish, only to the extent of covering them. Keep them submerged for 30 minutes or so and then take them out. A 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution should be used for denture cleaning.
Your mouth is where your denture will live for the most part of the day. So, if your mouth is not clean, your denture won’t be either. That’s why, along with proper denture care (i.e. brushing it after every meal and keeping it submerged in a bowl of water overnight, daily), it is equally important to adapt a proper mouth care routine that will leave both the entities in refreshing taste. Always brush and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash before you put the dentures back inside.
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