Have you ever experienced a slow and dull throb in your head right after waking up in the morning, and before you knew it, the tension had seized your temples? Well, if you have an edgy brain that tends to tense up at the slightest cause, then blame it on your biology.
However, if the pain is mild but tends to get worse during the day, then you definitely have a problem at hand. Headaches are one of the biggest giveaways of a brain tumor. However, there is more to this brain incongruity than just a pounding head.
Brain tumors, benign or malignant, tend to damage the brain cells, eventually leading to a host of other complications like fuzzy sight, lax reflexes, loss of appetite etc to the more serious ones like loss of sight, convulsions, hallucinations and more.
Hence, it is important to be up to date with the signs and symptoms of brain tumors and seek immediate medical attention before the condition aggravates. To be diagnosed with something as shocking as a brain tumor can be overwhelming. However, with timely treatment and the right kind of expert medical assistance you can definitely come out of it.
Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumor:
Although the signs and symptoms of a brain tumor usually depends on the size, site, type and isometry of the growth, there are some telltale signs to ascertain the presence of a tumor. One such classic symptom of a brain tumor is persistent headaches.
Those laid up with this painful condition may complain about painful headaches, which may vary from dull to debilitating and may be often accompanied by weakness, numbness, double vision and neck pains. What’s worse is that these headaches can get awful in the mornings, while sleeping or during coughing and running thus adding to the misery of the patient.
You almost know something is terribly wrong inside your skull when a bout of nausea trails a splitting headache as soon as you wake up in the morning. Patients impaired with abnormal cell growth in their brain normally complain of a queasy feeling and the urge to throw up. Increased intracranial pressure within the skull often causes headaches, which can eventually end in chronic nausea and a strong aversion towards food as well.
Another obvious indication of a brain tumor is a ‘seizure’. When the mass of cells starts to inflate inside the head, it usually disrupts the normal flow of electrical impulses to the brain. Result, convulsions and unconsciousness. The seizures may be painful or less traumatic depending on the site and impact of the tumor and may often be coupled with uncontrollable jerks, foamy mouth, incontinence, blurred speech, listlessness and numbness.
Brain tumors inadvertently destroy brain cells leading to a host of complications including vision problems and hearing loss. Heightened intracranial pressure inside the brain can stress out the skull base and cranial nerves leading to abnormal motility and changes in vision like double vision, blurred vision or loss of peripheral vision in one or both eyes. What’s more, a benign tumor in the brain can lead to hearing loss that can trigger other complications like tinnitus, facial numbness etc.
Patients with brain tumors may show behavioral changes and cognitive problems like frail concentration, poor memory and weak language skills. Patients may have difficulty in remembering things, show abrupt changes in mood or personality and lose their sense of rationality as well. Depending on the site of the tumor, a person may also have difficulty in speaking, comprehending and reasoning also.
Brain tumors can trigger several neurological glitches including enervating one’s motor and sensory nerves. In certain cases, where the tumor encroaches upon the motor regions of the brain, the affected person may complain of stiff arms, limbs, and complain of motility problems.
In certain cases, the tumor can invade the sensory structure of the brain like visual pathways or the temporal lobe and cause visual problems and hallucinations or unusual perceptions in the patient.
Nagging headaches, weakness, anemia and poor motor responses can be symptoms of a brain tumor. It is therefore imperative that you seek medical help immediately if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this piece.
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