Losing weight doesn’t have to be incredibly confusing. It’s all about educating yourself so you understand that simple lifestyle changes can produce significant results! Here are 10 simple steps that you can implement to start your own lifestyle change.
Stable Sleep:
Getting 6.5-8.5 hours of sleep a night is helpful for processing memories, brain health and keeping our immune system operating at full capacity (Bryant et al 2004). It has also been shown to be associated with a lower body fat and healthier weight (Bailey et al 2013).
Limit TV Time:
If you are spending too much time on the TV, phone, tablet, or computer then it’s time to cut the cord. Only allowing yourself to watch a minimal amount of TV a day will provide you with a ton of free time to improve your life. Cutting out 30 minutes of TV a day can give you time for a quick workout. You can get an incredible workout in under 20 minutes.
This is a lifestyle change like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. A simple step-based walking regime can induce weight loss - the more you walk the more you lose. Not only that, it was demonstrated that significant weight loss can be achieved. This was accomplished with brisk walking for 40 minutes, 4 times a week (Gappmaier et al 2006). Walk your way to a smaller wardrobe.
Hot Peppers:
The secret is the capsaicin in the peppers that helps ramp up your metabolism (Bowden 2007)! A 2003 study, by Lejeune and his team found that during weight maintenance, capsaicin was significantly effective at oxidizing stored fat! Bring on the hot sauce.
Cut Sugary Beverages:
Simply cutting our sugary drinks like soda, energy drinks…etc. you will save yourself from consuming a ton of empty calories which have been linked to obesity (Malik 2006). The same goes for alcohol, there’s a lot of sugar and empty calories in a twelve pack.
Use a Smaller Plate:
A bigger plate means that you have to consume a bigger portion seriously! A study found that larger packaging and dish size can lead to over eating (Wansink & Kim 2005). This was even if the food didn’t taste good think about if it did taste good?
Divide Your Plate:
Looking for an easy way to remember what to eat? Author Jonathan Bailor recommends to divide your: 50% non-starchy vegetables, 30% nutrient dense protein, and 20% fruits and whole-food fats. The main point is that half of your plate needs to be veggies! Eat so many veggies that you are too full for dessert!
More Fiber and Water:
Eating more fiber dense foods and drinking more water can satiate your appetite. When it comes to water, take your body weight and divide by two and drink that many ounces of water a day (Bowden 2007). The health benefits of consuming more fiber are far reaching; it can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels (Anderson et al 2009). It is recommended that you consume 14 grams of fiber per 1000 kcal consumed per day.
Morning Routine:
If you’ve implemented the first eight tips then this one should be easy. Since you are waking up on time, you may have time for a little exercise! It’s as simple as picking a bodyweight exercise and performing it until failure. On the first morning do 50 squats, the next morning try to do 55, the next morning try to do 60…etc. This may sound minuscule, but it will help you burn extra calories and only takes a few minutes.
Finally, commit that you will try to implement at least three of these tips today. Write them down and keep it in your pocket. This could be the step that holds you accountable to make a change and take a step towards achieving the results you deserve. Commit and see what happens.
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